CBS Summer Camp NEW

Summer Camp Offerings 2022

One of the strengths of a Christian Brothers education has been the incorporation of extracurricular activities. This philosophy has been entrenched in De La Salle’s philosophy of education since the 17th century.

At the elementary school level, Christian Brothers School seeks to include a comprehensive intramural program, with direct attention to exposure to lifelong, team-building skills and introduction of specific sports related skills. Where appropriate, the young people attending Christian Brothers Canal Street Campus utilize green space in City Park, just over a mile away! CBS hopes to offer the following extracurricular programs:


Basketball Basics (Winter)

The Basketball Basics program is open to all students in PreK-4 through 4th grade. The program is held after school at Junction Place Sports.



Baseball/Softball Basics (Spring)

The Baseball/Softball Basics program is open to all students in PreK-4 through 4th grade. The practices will be held at Junction Place Sports after school.


Flag Football (Fall)

The flag football program is open to all students in PreK-4 through 4th grades. The practices and games will take place at Junction Place Sports after school.


Mini Stars

Elementary school girls get a head start on the Dance Team by learning routines with the Mini Stars. The girls perform at events year round.

Program Director: Gina Iserman

soccer ball 3

Soccer (Winter)

The soccer program is open to all students in PreK-4 through 4th grade. Practices and games will take place at Junction Place Sports after school.


Tchoukball (Spring)

The tchoukball program is open to all students in 3rd and 4th grade and offers students the opportunity to learn the Swiss game of athleticism and strategy.

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