
Thousands have walked the breezeways of Christian Brothers School in City Park over the last 60-plus years, all holding fond memories of their time at CBS.  The CBS Alumni Association works to keep that spirit alive, inspired by the Brothers and continued by their lay partners.  We have a vibrant alumni association which holds three primary annual events: a fall social, a spring awards ceremony, and a spring crawfish boil.

Faucheux Named Alumnus of the Year, Rooney Receives St. Benilde Award

Ron Faucheux (1964) was honored by the Christian Brothers School Alumni Association as its 2024 Alumnus of the Year.

Pat Rooney has been named recipient of the St. Benilde Award for his many years of service to the school and the Brothers.

Alumni Association Board Members

Michael Lizano         Chairman
Michel Champagne    Vice-Chair, Membership
David Theard
Kenny Alfortish
Greg Jeanfreau
Nick Brandner
Chuck Glueck
Keith Hemel
Michael Lizano
Colin Cambre
Keith LeBlanc
Joey Cardwell

Rick Reso           ex officio
Michael Prat     ex officio
Joey Scaffidi     ex officio

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